Leverage our expertise in precision
health and wellness to help your
child move in the right direction
Designed for young children and teens (ages 3-17), our product helps you get a holistic picture of your children's health - including nutrition needs, immunity, gut health and health risks.
This kit includes:
An at-home testing kit
A complete wellness assessment
Diet and lifestyle recommendations
Your child should not take any antibiotics for upto 2 weeks before collecting a stool sample
Your child should not take any antibiotics for upto 2 weeks before collecting a stool sample
Dual-kit analysis
(DNA and Microbiome)
Actionable insights
for better health
Updated reports
at your fingertips
Better performance and
transition to adulthood
A comprehensive report with
and personalized recommendations
that include:
View All Insights
Our tests provide a comprehensive evaluation of your child's genetics and gut microbiome
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Enhanced nutrition
Balanced immunity
Growth & development
Healthy gut
Strong Mental well-being
More information about our kids product
More information about our kids product
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