Can our gut microbes give us the vibrant skin that we yearn for? Exploring the gut-skin axis has led to revelations about microbial mechanisms that control skin inflammation and severity of conditions like rosacea, acne and psoriasis. Gut microbiome restoration is key for maintaining healthy skin.
Our gut bacteria have a deep connection with cardio-metabolic factors that regulate blood pressure, cellular signaling and inflammation. It is essential to include microbiome restoration for improved outcomes during cardiovascular prevention and/or management. #OurHearts #HeartMonth2025
Although the human mycobiome is not as well studied as its bacterial counterpart, there is evidence of a strong influence of fungal microbes on host health, with a balance being key. Unchecked fungal growth in the gut, or reduced fungal diversity can trigger health issues.
Seasonal changes in gut bacteria underscore the adaptive ability of our inner ecosystems during the winter. It is essential to take additional care to have good digestive health and prevent illness this season.
Get rid of 'holiday stress' and celebrate the festive season by showing some kindness to yourself and your body. We share some thoughtful habits that we hope help you make the holidays memorable!
A journey to better health with Navipoint! Over three months, our client’s health journey showcased impressive improvements, from managing fatigue and digestive issues to achieving enhanced energy and mood stability.
Microplastics are plastic particles that are <5 millimeters in size. Studies show that microplastic exposure can modify microbiome composition and be detrimental to gut health. Making conscious choices in our daily lives is essential to combat this environmental challenge.
Your immune function and respiratory health is influenced by a complex set of biological and environmental factors - one of them is genetics!
Both ginger and turmeric have been used in traditional medicine, for centuries. Try these recipes for a flavorful boost to your gut health during the upcoming festivities/holiday season.
Plant-based oils offer some amazing gut health benefits. Using certain oils that reduce inflammation, heal the gut and increase bacterial diversity significantly improves microbiome health.
Vitamins are essential nutrients that are obtained from diet/supplements, as well as produced by, or converted into their active forms by commensal bacteria that thrive in a healthy gut microbiome. This underscores the fact that diet must be supportive of a diverse and rich gut flora.
When it comes to mental health, genes play a larger role than we know. We highlight three such genes which influence various aspects of neurotransmitter function, behavioral tendencies and cognitive health.
In order to know what your body needs to thrive, a deeper understanding of your genetic predisposition and unique nutrition needs is required. We help you understand your health and wellness in a way that empowers you to take control, make informed choices and be your best self.
Multiple bio-psycho-social factors such as genetics, behavior (knowledge, attitudes) and external influences (social norms, community development) impact an individual’s motivation to make lifestyle change and their health outcomes.
Yes! Polluted air, soil erosion and increased pesticide usage harms our well-being, including our gut health. It is high time we prioritized lifestyle changes which optimize the microbiome and combat health risks.
We hope it does! Gut health and emotional well-being are very closely linked via the gut-microbiome-brain axis. With increasing evidence on the potential of gut microbes in regulating emotions, it is no wonder that the gut is called the second brain of the body.
From accidental discoveries to microbiome-based therapies, we take a peek at scientific milestones that have made the humans of today acutely aware of microbial super-beings thriving alongside them.
Discover the science behind the joy of tasting food! Genetics and bacterial activity are known to modulate our sensitivity to sweet, salty, bitter, sour and savory flavors, thus shaping eating patterns, dietary adherence and health outcomes.
A personalized diet remains a key modifier that can increase chances for successful IBS management and prolong remission. It is during the formulation of these nutritional strategies that microbiome restoration should be prioritized.
Stop asking for that cash receipt! Did you know that thermal paper contains extremely high levels of bisphenol A, which is linked with negative health effects? Research suggests that long-term exposure to some of these sources can significantly influence gut bacterial diversity and homeostasis.
Scientific studies prove that movement-based modifications can greatly support ongoing treatment for chronic digestive health conditions.
These scientific facts BLEW our mind! In this blog, we share some cool insights from the amazing world of microbiomes.
Nutrition and health experts continue to learn about how DNA impacts the body's response to environmental stimuli, including the food we eat. The question is - can we modify what we eat in a way to enable favorable health outcomes?
Predictive DNA test results, when correlated with patient history, translate into successful application in various settings - general wellness, targeted symptom management and/or therapy.
As more research continues to take place, a growing body of evidence suggests that host behavior and microbiome influence each other.
There is a complex interplay between host genome (DNA) and microbiome function. Studies have identified a link between the possible impact of specific DNA variations on microbiome-mediated processes, immune regulation and nutrient absorption.
We cannot ignore these super foods that enrich our gardens - and gut microbiomes! Read this blog to learn about the microbiome benefits of these fruits and vegetables and why they should be a part of your staple diet.
Exercise can boost the richness and diversity of beneficial microbes in your gut. But this impact might not be independent of the foods that you consume and how you train.
Our recent case study in a Parkinson's patient showed the potential clinical impact of a microbiome-based dietary intervention.
Our microbiome is shaped by several factors during early stages of life, including before and during birth. Building a strong foundation for microbiome health can help improve immunity and ward off negative effects in later stages of life.
Our gut microbes act on the food we eat, metabolizing different dietary compounds and producing a wide array of essential byproducts. These microbial metabolites, ranging from short-chain fatty acids to vitamins, play a vital role in maintaining good health.
Some of us are predisposed to developing diabetes because of biological factors such as genetics or underlying gut imbalances. Lifestyle changes can prevent or delay symptoms by several years! Get deep and personalized health insights for better prevention - with our Precision Health Kit.
Getting a good night's sleep is easier said than done for many individuals. While some people naturally have a regular sleep routine, others struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep despite trying various remedies. Research suggests that sleep patterns are influenced by biological factors.
Have you ever felt this explosive desire for sugar? There are several reasons you may be experiencing this sudden gustatory gush, like poor lifestyle habits, psychological factors, and medications. Humans are biologically wired to crave sugar.
The importance of gut health in everyday life has been a topic of discussion everywhere recently, especially when it comes to kids’ health. The trillions of bacteria living in your child’s gut play a key role in their mental and physical well-being and overall growth.
Have you ever been bloated, but haven’t been able to understand why or been tired in spite of a good night’s rest, or not been able to optimize your health even after leading a healthy lifestyle? Health is a tricky phenomena and what might work for one person, might not work for another.
The winters are a time of cool pleasant breezes and warm sweaters, but a myriad of health problems creep up during the winters as well. From skin infections to sore muscles and even stomach issues, the winters are an important time to take care of yourself.
What you eat directly affects your mood. Different foods affect your body, especially your gut, in different ways. While some help nourish the "good bacteria,"others may be the reason for gut imbalances by feeding your "bad bacteria.". A balanced and healthy gut leads to a balanced and healthy mind!
Many times over we’ve heard people give the advice to ‘go with your gut’. Is the gut an organ that can make decisions for you? Recent studies show that the gut and brain have a deep-rooted, symbiotic relationship. The communication system between the gut and the brain is known as the gut-brain axis.
Our knowledge of the gut and its importance over the years has evolved along with us. Scientists once believed that gut bacteria was neither harmful, nor beneficial and was simply neutral. But the ancient Greeks knew something we’ve discovered only recently.
While probiotic-rich foods are beneficial for gut health, let’s take a closer look at some of the best and worst foods for gut microbiome.
Precision nutrition, personalized dietary intervention – these are complex terms. Tell us how you explain this to people who ask you about them. Precision nutrition means looking at all things unique in a person’s biology, for planning their diet strategy. It is an approach to develop targeted...
Life may have returned to normalcy but the Covid-19 scare still exists, affecting the lives of millions globally. A reported surge in symptoms related to the digestive system like bloating, stomach ache, gaseousness and acidity has made it critical...
When your gut loses the diversity of bacteria – causing gut dysbiosis, your body is exposed to a host of health risks. Discover the dysbiosis diet and more. Trillions of microorganisms inhabit your gut microbiome and are responsible for balancing your body’s immune response...
Wellness is easier to achieve when you have access to powerful personalized data about your own body that can impact your day-to-day life. Microbiome testing is a relatively recent phenomenon that has received a great deal of attention over the past few years.
For the longest time, it was believed that the gut and the skin are two distinct organs. However, research has shown that they are very much related to each other. While they perform different functions, they both protect the body from harmful elements.
A person’s DNA and their Gut Microbiome are two important factors that impact their overall wellness. Any imbalance in the gut microbiome or disruption of the natural microflora of bacteria can drastically increase one's susceptibility to disease.
The symbiotic relationship between pre and probiotics in your body promotes a healthy environment for bacterial diversity in your stomach. Gone are the days when taking a daily multivitamin took care of your everyday nutritional needs. With lifestyle related disorders on the rise...
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