Personal Genome + Gut Microbiome - The Power of Dual DNA

Posted at : 08-03-2021 | 2 mins read

A person’s DNA (personal genome or host genome) and their gut microbiome are two important factors that impact their overall wellness. Any imbalance in the gut microbiome or disruption of the natural microflora of bacteria (dysbiosis) can drastically increase one's susceptibility to disease.

We, at Navipoint Health have developed a comprehensive approach to proactively manage wellness by creating a scientific method that analyzes a person’s genetics and profiles their microbiomes. Based on this dual assessment, we are able to evaluate their genetic variations and gut dysbiosis.

Why a dual DNA approach is required

Lifestyle disorders are ‘complex’

A complex or multifactorial health condition usually is influenced by multiple genes (heterogeneous) and multiple environmental factors.

Host genome-microbiome interactions impact host health

Studies point to a deep connection between the host genome and the gut microbiome, and how their impact on each other can determine a person’s health.

By analyzing risk factors inherently present in the host genome, as well as current imbalances in gut microbiome, the dual DNA approach puts a person’s health status in perspective. Actionable insights derived from these results enable a powerful change in personal wellness.

This is essentially how we harness the power of Dual DNA to help individuals unlock their true, optimal self.
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